Wireless Hovercam Document Cameras for O.H. Anderson Classrooms
Wireless document cameras will allow teachers to model thinking, writing, and problem solving during all subjects. The new document cameras are portable, easy to use, and allow recording for e-learning purposes. This will allow students to see the exact workbook pages or graphic organizers to model use of them effectively. This grant aligns with the District’s strategic plan to build learner agency through exceptional learning experiences and create an inclusive and equitable educational system that values diversity and honors individuality.
Movement Equipment, iPads, and GoTalkNow Software
This equipment will help meet the needs of special education students from Early Childhood through High School. Specialists have noticed an increased need to incorporate more movement opportunities throughout the day to support student learning. As a new initiative, the occupational and physical therapists have created and implemented structured movement break areas across the district. The new movement equipment will be used to implement new activities at all buildings. With increased learning styles being met through digital instruction, the addition of iPads and the GoTalkNow app would allow for further enrichment and student engagement of structured movement activities. Body breaks throughout the day help promote increased attention span and ability to focus on learning by helping students regulate their bodies. The materials will target their sensory systems such as providing breaks that provide proprioceptive, vestibular, sensory and auditory input as well as promoting structured gross motor opportunities. By creating body breaks throughout each building, this creates a system that aligns with the Mahtomedi strategic plan, specifically agency as it promotes a strong foundation for achieving academic success.
Playground Communication Board at Wildwood Elementary School
A playground communication board will help facilitate an inclusive play area where students can communicate with peers and adults through use of picture symbols. This will promote accessibility and inclusion. A communication board is a display of high-frequency playground vocabulary presented as images specifically selected to support communication by pointing to or touching one or more of the targeted images. Each image is accompanied by the written word below the picture. Nearly 1 in 6 students at Wildwood Elementary receive speech and language services. This tool will also benefit English Language Learners where English may not be their primary language for communication, as well as children who have difficulty communicating wants and needs when they are upset. This communication board has the ability to promote vocabulary and literacy to all students at Wildwood Elementary and community members who use the playground of all ages and abilities.
Mahtomedi on the Run Club at Wildwood Elementary School
The Mahtomedi on the Run Club will promote wellness, mental health, and joy by being together and enjoying physical activities. It will bring K-2 students and high school students (Girls Of Active Leadership Club) together to develop confidence, physical activity, mentorship, and enhance inter school/community relationships. The run club will be held at Wildwood Elementary School twice a week. Grant funds will be used to purchase training equipment.
iPad for Mahtomedi High School Science Classroom
A high school chemistry teacher was granted an iPad to assist with delivering more dynamic and engaging instruction during General Chemistry and AP Chemistry classes. iPads are a powerful tool that can free the teacher from always teaching at the front of the classroom. With access to a wide range of educational apps and resources, the software and multimedia content are continually updated to ensure that innovation is at the forefront. In addition, an iPad helps with organization and student access. After notes are taken in class they can be filed according to the course/unit and they can be seamlessly uploaded where students can access the notes later.
Ice Fishing Experience for O.H. Anderson students As part of the new STEM programming, all students at O.H. Anderson will have the opportunity to try ice fishing on White Bear Lake this winter. Together with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resource and Elpis Enterprises, this grant will enrich the animal science curriculum and offer students an opportunity they might not otherwise experience. Many students lack exposure to outdoor recreational activities and the local ecosystem, which can limit their understanding of environmental science. This grant will provide a valuable opportunity for experiential learning, connecting classroom concepts to real-world experiences. By engaging with nature, students can deepen their understanding of animal science and ecological systems.